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AI Engineer reveals Tesla's greatest discovery of the Universe…



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(When I Test Drive Qi Energy AI Today)

Do You Want To Feel Qi Energy?

Welcome truth seeker! In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how you can feel qi (pronounced “chi”) energy right there in your own home.

Some might say there’s some kind of hypnosis or magic trick and that what I’m about to show you is scientifically impossible.

But if you have an open mind and you’re willing to learn new ideas, then stay till the end of this presentation because I’m going to reveal to you all the science behind it and you’ll be able to test and verify for yourself right there at home whether qi energy is real.

A Journey of Transformation

Hi, my name is David Wong and I spent years of my life studying Qi, life force, martial arts, qigong, and meditation.

I’m one of the world’s foremost experts on qi energy technologies.  And also the best selling author of the book, Life of Qi. Over the years we have helped thousands of people transform their lives. Being the world’s number one company in Qi Energy technology.

“It all started when I healed myself from an incurable disease…”

Then I went on to build a very successful business with a huge valuation. And now I live every day actualizing my life purpose.

You might think that it’s just good timing or that I just inherited money from a rich family. But you’ll be surprised that I failed three businesses, nearly went bankrupt. And I was sick and debilitated for 10 years of my life.

How did I get to where I am today?

Well, my secret just might surprise you.

But first, let me tell you a story…

“When I was 10 years old, I almost DIED”

I fell two stories and I suffered severe brain trauma. The surgeon said that I only had 50% chance of survival, and even if I made it, I would have brain damage and I would never be able to live a normal life.

But after many hours of surgery, by luck or by God’s grace, or by my life design, I survived. After many examinations, they couldn’t find anything that was wrong with my brain. But in a very particular way, my personality changed and I became more sensitive and intuitive.


I started feeling something very strange and subtle… but real.

Like an energy force that wasn’t there before. I thought that it was just my imagination, but it wasn’t until decades later I discovered it was a lot more than just my imagination. Which led me into the intensive scientific research into qi and life force.

With this newfound knowledge, I was able to self heal from an incurable disease without using any pills or surgery later on in life.

All the pain, the chronic fatigue, the lack of focus, the sleep problems, stress, anxiety, and depression that I had for over 10 years was magically gone, and it stayed gone ever since.

But I didn’t just stop there.

With Qi, I was able to access altered states of mind, which made me feel like nothing less than superhuman.

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I had a huge surge of creativity, increased my problem-solving speed, energy, and productivity, enough for 10 people.

“It's like I replaced my tired and slow brain with a SUPERBRAIN!”

And with those superhuman abilities, I was able to build a business that spans the globe and live the lifestyle of my dreams.

And best of all, I didn’t take any pills, any surgery, by taking any course or going to any seminar.

My secret?

I was able to tap into a very simple yet powerful force. Qi energy.

Now, you might think that Qi is just a myth, and it’s mostly just positive thinking or some kind of mind trick. Because Qi is known throughout many ancient cultures.

For example, it’s called Prana in India, Ki in Japan, Mana, and so on. But everybody is wondering…

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“It's like I replaced my tired and slow brain with a SUPERBRAIN!”

Can it be measured, can it be harnessed, directed, or even developed into a technology? Well, the answer to all these questions will be very clear to you soon. Let’s look at what science has to say about qi.

There’s a German biophysicist by the name of Fritz Albert Popp, and he’s affiliated with the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics. And he found that not only our cells, but the very building blocks of life, our DNA, respond to light, frequency, and vibration.

You see, the scientists in the past thought that a person’s DNA would determine the person they would become, and that it’s fixed and it cannot be altered.

But recently, it’s been discovered that only one third of our DNA is fixed. The other two thirds is in your control.


So if you can alter your DNA with frequencies, just imagine how much you can change yourself or someone else. Also, it’s been found that our cells have something called chromaform.

It’s like a little battery inside your cells that absorbs light, frequency, and vibration. You see, your body is collecting energy 24/7

It needs to move, it needs to ground itself, be open, and be able to get rid of that excess energy. A healthy mind is a relaxed and open mind, and healthy cells are also open and receiving.

But when your mind is under stress, everything closes off, and if it stays like that for long periods of time, it creates states of disease. What happens is your body creates these stress chemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol. And there’s never been a time in history when we’ve had so much stress.

Wouldn’t you agree? So much adrenaline and cortisol are being released without knowing what to do with it. So we all have this pinned-up energy, it’s like putting a wild animal in a cage.

And that’s what they did to people for two years. While our nervous system wants to get out, move, and breathe.

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The Science Behind Qi Energy Healing

So why is this important?

So with frequencies, scientists found that they were able to directly affect the brain and the body to induce these relaxed and open states. And put it into states of health and healing instead of disease.

Now let’s go beyond that.

Did you know that there’s a type of energy and frequency that’s beyond light, sound, and vibration that can also affect your mind and body?

It’s called Qi energy.  

There’s been many experiments done by scientists all around the world on Qigong. For example, there was one who was looking for a way to test and measure the abilities of these Qigong masters.

Qigong is an ancient healing and martial arts practice from China. And throughout ancient history, it was a closely guarded secret that was passed on to only a select few students of the true masters.

The Qigong Healing Experiment

So, in this experiment, the Qigong master was instructed to kill the cancer cells in mice.

So, they had mice that had cancer, they had mice that were in the control group, and they had mice that were treated by this Qigong master

And the results of the experiment were astounding.

He was able to just use his mind to send qi energy to these mice and reduce their cancer dramatically, while the other mice were not affected.

But that wasn’t the shocking part. He wasn’t even in the lab when it happened.

He did it from 3,000 miles away in another city!!!

Somehow, the qi energy that he sent was able to travel large distances instantly, and the effects did not reduce with the increased distance.

Now, not everybody has decades to train to be a Qigong master, and not even everyone can get access to a Qigong master like that and get healing sessions.

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Introducing Qi Energy AI: A Breakthrough in Energy Healing

Boost Your Vitality

Achieve harmony in mind and body, enjoy restful sleep, and recover your energy faster.

Protect Against EMFs

Shield yourself from the electronic smog, ensuring your energy remains unharmed.

Manifest Your Dreams

Align your energy to effortlessly attract and achieve your life’s goals and desires.

So after many years of research, I created Qi energy AI.

We’ve developed a technology that can replicate Qi energy DIGITALLY

And since it’s digital we can send it anywhere with our algorithm or AI.

How do you experience it?

Well, you don’t need any device except the phone or the computer that you’re watching this video on right now Nikola Tesla said that

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If you want to know the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

“If You Change Your Frequency, You Change Everything.”

However, this can be true in the good sense and the bad.

Yes, we’ve been talking about good frequencies so far, but there are bad ones too. And you are probably exposed to it every day.

It’s the reason why 20 percent of our population is getting EMF poisoning.

“5G radiation may be affecting your brain.”

With technologies like 5G, our environment and lifestyles are getting harder and harder to stay healthy. In fact, more and more people, especially the younger generation, are having serious health conditions at an alarming rate.

Could it be because of technologies like 5G?

Experts agree that the answer is YES.

Now here’s the good news. Now you can put all those fears to rest because now you have a technology that can work for you instead of against you.

I’m going to show you a technology that can go beyond just reharmonizing those bad EMFs.

“What if we can develop good EMFs?”

…That can actually benefit your body and your mind?

With Qi Energy AI that’s exactly what we’ve done and you’ll receive what we call programs (energy signatures) which will transform and enhance your life.

How does it work?

Well, it’s a highly complex and sophisticated system that took us over 20 years to develop.

But to explain it simply, it uses the power of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT.

Quantum entanglement says that if you have one particle in one place, even if this one is light years away, it will instantly change its properties as if the two were connected by some mysterious communication channel. Einstein actually observed this and he called it spooky action at a distance.

But now, researchers are quantum entangling all sorts of things, like electrons and atoms and even small bacteria.

Actually, Nikola Tesla was onto something when he built his Wardenclyffe Tower in 1901. It was supposed to be able to send wireless energy over large distances.

But unfortunately, it was never completed. So you see, this idea of qi energy is not new.

“Tesla Invented It. We Perfected It.”

And so, inspired by the great minds of these visionaries like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, we were able to capture healthy frequencies and convert them into energy signatures that are completely digital.

Then we quantum entangle that with our AI and send it to your phone or address.

So now you can literally do what a Qigong master can do, but without the decades of training and effort.

Actually, you can do more, because now you can determine which type of energy is sent to you.

Right now, we have 17 life-changing programs.

“17 Life-Changing Programs”

You can choose how strong it is, and even predetermine exactly when and for how long this energy will be broadcasted for.

Next, I’m going to show you exactly how you can be in control of this qi energy technology.

But first, you might be asking, what can this QI ENERGY do for you?

Now imagine a technology that can:

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Use It To Boost Career Success!

You see, it has the potential to completely change the way you function in this world.

You see, I had a debilitating, chronic, incurable disease that I suffered from for over 10 years. And now that I’ve found a way to heal myself, I can’t help but help other people.

My motto is…

Transform Yourself 1% a Day.

Silent, Powerful, and Boundless

Tap into the invisible energy that reshapes your reality.

Non-Invasive and Sustainable

No pills or procedures, just eco-friendly energy that benefits both you and the environment.

Anytime, Anywhere

Experience the magic of instant energy transmission anywhere, anytime, with no special equipment—just your phone or computer.

Because no matter how difficult life gets, you gotta keep working yourself and taking a step each day towards your dreams and goals.

And this is one of the reasons why I’m so passionate.

Because of one of my first clients, I was able to help him overcome his chronic illness that ruined his life. Because he was in pain every dayhe had no energyhe was always in a bad mood, and his relationship suffered because of it.

And that lasted for over 20 years. But ever since he started using my technologies, slowly but steadily, his condition improved. And after a few weeks, his wife couldn’t even believe he was the same person.

You see, the pain that he suffered from for over 20 years was gone. He became happier again, more positive and productive.

What if you or someone you know experienced a transformation like that? How would your life improve?

How much more money would you make?

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If Energy Is Power, Then Qi Energy Is Your Superpower

As you can already tell by now, this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or tried before.

The reason that people don’t achieve their goals and dreams is because people lose focus.

Let’s face it, these days we have no time.

We have kids, we have work, we’re just too tired and busy. So we don’t have time to start another meditation routine, take another course, or even read a book.

You see, many people try meditationpractice qigong, or breathe work, or yoga, there’s many methodologies and technologies out there, but really they only have one goal, and that is to change your frequency.

But also, they have one thing in common, it’s that it takes too much effort and too long to get results. So unlike other things that take hours of practice, and months for you to even notice a difference,

The Effects Of Qi Energy Ai Are Immediate

You see, the key to transformation is consistency, and with our technology, you don’t have to do it yourself, because it will do it for you.

You just need to log in our system, choose a few settings, which takes less than a couple minutes, and you never even have to log in again, unless you want to adjust or change something. It’s completely set and forget. And our system will send you life changing energy forever, 24/7 if you want.

And each day stacks up.

Those 1%’s a day add up to be a lot over the week, the month, years, or even longer. And soon you’ll be able to awaken your higher senses and manifest the life of your dreams. And it can help you find that peace and balance that you’ve been looking for. 

So, are you getting this? 

We haven’t even got to the best part of this presentation.

Who Can You Send Energy To?


Friends and Family







7-Day Free Trial


EMF Protection in every program

Silent/Invisible Program Broadcasts

Broadcast to Any Phone



Broadcast to Any Home or Business

1 Home or Business Address

1 Home or Business Address

Number of Programs

10 Programs

10 Programs

Programs Included

“Real Results from Real People”

This is incredibly powerful! I spent with these programs twice for 2-3 hours and it gave a big surge of program. I felt it in my body. This feeling of a surge of program was so strong that I had to urgently do a strength workout!”

Kevin Creegan

The Quantum Dream is truly God-send.  I was able to fall asleep faster and deeper. Also, we just had a baby and he was waking up every 3 hours. It’s been over a week now and he only wakes up 1-2 times a nightSome nights, he sleeps through the entire night! This itself is worth all the money in the world! 

Andrea Chee

I thought frequencies using the coils was fantastic but this takes it to another level. I found the effects almost immediately for more physical considerations. I am also excited to try the Quantum Abundance”

Mark A.

Just WOW. I started meditating just after playing these program. Even though the program was playing, I was able to hear my heart pumping, breathing, blood flowing in my veins, and the sound of silence!

Rahul Bhadani

I’m not sure which signature has caused this reaction but my daughter(18) and I have found it very easy to eat well, we’re drawn to salads, vegetables and fruit even though we’ve been on vacation! We usually find it hard to stay away from gluten but now it doesn’t take any effort at all.

Keren W.

Oh man! After an hour of the programs, I can say that this is on yet another level of greatness! My brain and spinal cord are shouting yes! My heart is saying thank you! Can’t wait to apply it to my work!”

Casey Willis

“Start Your FREE Trial Now And Receive $495 Worth of Bonuses!”

#1 Qi Gong Meditation Lessons ($149 Value)

Embark on a journey to unlock inner peace and vitality with our transformative Qi Gong meditation lessons. Experience profound tranquility as you learn ancient techniques to rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit

#2 Qi Life Mastery Lessons ($297 Value)

Experience transformation and abundance today with David Wong, Peak Performance Innovator, and Marketing Consultant. Unlock your full potential and elevate your life journey with expert guidance.

#3 Qi Life Mastery Ebook ($49 Value)

Unlock your full potential and embark on a journey of personal development and self-actualization with our comprehensive guide. Discover the keys to unlocking inner growth and achieving your highest aspirations.

#4 Private Membership Network Community

Gain exclusive access to specialized training sessions led by David Wong and unlock unique insights unavailable anywhere else. Join our exclusive group for personalized guidance and transformative learning experiences.

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Who Can Benefit from Qi Energy AI?

Non-Users Vs Users

It’s for two kinds of people.

Firstly, it’s for the people who are suffering or struggling. And they’re wondering why they’re working so hard but just can’t quite get the results they want.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, a senior, an educator, an entertainer, a celebrity, or anyone in between.

This is for everyone who feels like there’s more.

You feel like there’s a specialness inside of you that you just haven’t been able to UNLOCK IT.

The other kind of people that join are those who are already successful..

They Are Mega Successful

That’s the kind of client that I work with, and they want that extra edge. They want that advantage. Because there’s people out there working very hard to take them off the top. 

They not only want to attain success, but they want to sustain it. You know they say that the only thing that’s harder to attain success is to sustain it.

So it doesn’t matter.

This will work for you regardless of your age, your background, your career, or your diet.

This is designed for everybody who wants to unlock their human potential.

How Fast Will You See Results?

Some people take longer, up to 30 or 60 days.

Those little shifts don’t seem like a lot, but after you’ve been using it for some time, you’re going to notice a dramatic change.


That 1 percent a day will help you to grow and transform exponentially.

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What is the time commitment? Well, there is NONE.

Remember, you just set and forget.

Congratulations for making it into part two. Now I’m going to show you a sneak peek into the greatest quantum healing technology the world has ever known.

So once you activate your membership, you’re gonna get access to your control panel. And if you take advantage of our premium membershipyou’re gonna get access to all of our programs

Here in the control panel, you can add your phone or add an address. Once you verify
your phone number, you can start sending Qi energy immediately.

Here in the control panel, you can add your phone or add an address. Once you verifyyour phone number, you can start sending Qi energy immediately.

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Actually, most people who join the starter plan, they’re so impressed after just a week or two, they immediately upgrade to the premium plan.

So some people might ask, is this some kind of hypnosis or some kind of placebo effect

There’s always people and skeptics that say, David, what you’re doing is scientifically impossible.


“If you fight or argue for your limitations,
you get to keep them.”

So you might be asking

“How would I know that Qi Energy AI is working?”

Well, the great thing about this is that this is one of those things that works whether you believe it or not. And if you do believe it, it works even better.

So some sensations that you may feel while you turn on Qi Energy Ai are:

Sometimes it may be so strong that it makes you feel drowsy or sleepy.

Sometimes you may even feel disoriented or dizzy.

If you’re having difficulty feeling the qi energy, then you may be less energy sensitive than other people.

But that’s okay. It’s just going to take you longer to start feeling it. There may be some energy blockages that need to be released before you start feeling the qi energy.

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“World-Class Technology Made Accessible For EVERYONE!”

It’s probably safe to say that this technology and program is very expensive. You know, there’s biohacking systems out there that cost over $150,000. And not everybody can afford a device that costs in the thousands of dollars. And I’m paid far more than that for the work I do with consulting top business leaders and athletes.

But I have a personal mission to get this technology out to the world.

Because my motto is ‘HEALTH IS WEALTH’.

And anyone who wants to improve themselves should be able to afford it. Any child that needs to get better. Anyone who needs to improve their wellness. Anyone who wants to grow in their career should be able to afford this.

With your membership, remember, you’re going to get access to the four incredible bonuses. You’re going to get my Qi Gong meditation course, my Qi Life Mastery ebook, the best of my master classes, and access to my private members network community.

“Try It Risk Free For 7 Days, Cancel Any Time”

When you activate your basic membership, you’re going to get all this for considerably less than a dollar a day. All you need to do is click below and activate your Qi Energy membership.

And I want you to understand that you don’t have to say yes right now because you’re about to experience some literally life changing results with everything that I just mentioned. 

Achieve Real Results Backed By Our 60-day Money-Back Guarantee!

And because I’m so confident in our technology and how it’s going to get you results that I have no hesitation in offering you a 60 day money back guarantee.

That means you can experience everything that our technology has to offer, try out everything, and for any reason, if it isn’t up to par, We will offer you a full refund.

“Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity to transform your life”

Time Remaining: 29 Minutes 59 Seconds

You can send it to yourself, test the different intensities, share it with your friends and let them try it out. We’ve made it so that you can send it instantly without any space or time limitations.

So you get everything that we mentioned and it’s all 100% risk free if you signup right now.

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“Hurry! Lock In Your 50% OFF Discounted Rate!”


Also, before you go, I can promise that the 50% OFF monthly price after your trial is a one time offer for today only.

So, if you leave this page and decide to get this tomorrow, you might find that the price is no longer the same, and you might have to pay the full price.

I know that this technology works. And so did the hundreds of members that made life changing transformations.

So, if you’re serious about getting unstuck in your life, and creating abundance, love, and well-being for you, then make today the day that you took a stand, the day that you look back on as the day it all started.

Take advantage of this limited-time offer, and finally gain the good luck and fortune that you’ve always wanted and deserved.

“Your Time for Change”

Empower yourself to make the change you’ve been dreaming of.

Quantum Energy Changes Everything...

Silent, Invisible, Limitless Energy
100% Non-Invasive, No Pills, No Procedures
Eco-Friendly – Zero Waste, Heals Environment
Low-Cost Healthcare for Everyone
Personalized Energy Broadcast Settings
Turn Your Phone’s EMF’s into beneficial energy
Send or Receive it Anywhere in the World – INSTANTLY
No equipment is needed other than your phone or computer
It’s Easy and Effective
You can leave it on 24/7 (Set and forget)
You can schedule it according to your daily routine

Well, if you’re still here, that probably means that you’re still on the fence. So let me leave you with two things.

You can keep doing what you’re doing before you came to this webpage, no problem.

And you’re probably going to keep getting the frustrating results that led you to read this page in the first place.

“Invest in Yourself”

Take the first step towards a better life with your Qi Energy AI Membership.

Or two, you can skip two or three nights a week of going out for dinner this month. And use those savings to invest in yourself, to invest in your Qi energy instead of investing in your stomach, to invest in transforming your life by upgrading the most important thing in your life today, which is your life force. 

Don’t let today be the day that you pass on this incredible offer that will help you receive and achieve the life of your dreams.

You have everything to gain and thanks to our guarantee, absolutely nothing to lose. 

“Become part of a supportive community dedicated to personal growth and wellness.”

Leave me a comment, write to me, or share your story with your fellow community members on our website. Now, let us know that we’ve helped you make a change, because this is what Qi life is all about.

So, it’s up to you.

Carry on as you were before, or try Qi Energy AI Membership and get everything that’s included with it absolutely risk-free.

Activate Your Qi Energy Now...

50% Discount Available Until Sunday, August 18

“Start Your Journey Today!”

Seize the opportunity to transform your life and unlock your full potential.

My name is David Wong, and I cannot wait for you to take action and finally achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of.

See you on the inside!

Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.